When it comes to our engineering services, SAMCO provides the maximum value for our customers. Minimize capital, installation, shipping, operational, and ongoing maintenance costs with pre-designed systems that are built, packaged, and supplied in the most efficient manner possible.

Our product philosophy is simple:
- Keep a wide range of technologies and systems on hand, under one roof
- Provide as many options as possible to maximize flexibility for our customers
- Use high-quality products that can stand alone or be integrated into modular systems
All SAMCO systems are designed to be integrated into larger systems or process trains. This integration capability is important when new equipment will be added to an existing system’s control schemes. It is also important when developing an entirely new process train or system for future add-on capabilities.
Consistent with our mission, we serve to achieve three core objectives:
- Complete project execution in substantially less time compared to conventional business delivery processes.
- Implement project solutions by significantly reducing the cost-to-complete expenditure and through the use of efficient technologies, reducing various operation and maintenance costs.
- Meet or exceed customer expectations for system performance, reliability, and ROI.
System benefits
SAMCO’s ultimate benefit to our customers is designing systems that solve complex problems, while offering maximum performance. SAMCO’s custom, integrated approach provides the following measurable advantages:
- System performance guarantee: Engineering designs are optimized to closely complement the system technologies evaluated. SAMCO provides mechanical and process guarantees for required effluent chemistry within prescribed operating parameters.
- Schedule management: The outcome of every project is meeting the customer’s needs while ensuring the best possible ROI.
- Cost containment: Efficient use of time and state-of-the-art engineering and manufacturing techniques contribute to major cost control in project budgets.