Project Briefs:

Major Aluminum Manufacturer Treats Chemical Bath With SAMCO Ion Exchange, Avoids Need to Discharge Waste

Project Overview

An aluminum manufacturer in the Northeast utilized SAMCO’s ion exchange technology to minimize waste and treat it for reuse in its production process.


Remove all traces of metals from a chemical bath for use in aluminum production

Scope of Service

SAMCO delivered a detailed process, mechanical and electrical design and engineering, controls integration, system fabrication, installation, commissioning, startup, and training.



  • Low traces of metals in production waste
  • Contaminant removal in a closed loop process


To help the client recycle their chemical bath for reuse in their manufacturing process, SAMCO worked with the client to implement a custom engineered solution. Utilizing the resin technology of SAMCO’s prepackaged ion exchange alongside various forms of filtration, the client was able to minimize waste and recycle it for reuse. To compensate for limited operator availability, SAMCO installed programmable logic controllers (PLC) to automate flow, temperature, pressure, and resistivity monitoring.


Project deliverables and equipment included:

  • Ion Exchange Unit
  • Auxiliary pumps
  • Tanks and filters
  • Chemical feed system
  • PLC Controlled