Project Briefs:

Aluminum Can Manufacturer Boosts Production Capacity with Custom Ion Exchange System Upgrades by SAMCO

Project Overview

When a New York aluminum can manufacturer needed to upgrade its deionization systems to handle expanded production, it looked to SAMCO for a compact ion exchange (IX) system to augment the capacity of existing rinse line equipment.


Increase supply of demineralized water to support expanded production.
Project specifications:

  • Reduce minerals to less than 20 micromhos per centimeter
  • 100 GPM line capacity

Scope of Service

SAMCO designed and delivered a two-bed IX system to supplement existing trains, as well as upgrading the client’s control system. Services entailed engineering, system fabrication, controls integration, commissioning, startup training and support.


  • Integration with existing customer IX and control systems
  • Limited available space
  • Tight project timeline


In line with the client’s production expansion plans, SAMCO delivered a supplemental 100 GPM IX line to work in concert with existing lines in supplying additional demineralized water for new aluminum can washing lines. Designed to support continuous production, the 100 GPM system consisted of a concurrent regeneration cation/anion exchange train, as well as a duplex carbon filter train, and internals. SAMCO also upgraded the existing system controls and operator interface, providing full integration services for new programmable logic controllers (PLC) that minimized operational demands by enabling automated process monitoring for all IX trains. Leveraging signature prepackaged technology, SAMCO produced a solution that both fulfilled rapid delivery expectations, and conformed to a small footprint.


SAMCO delivered a supplementary deionized water train, including:

  • 100 GPM IX pressure vessels
  • Duplex carbon filter train
  • Chemical storage and metering equipment
  • Rinse and recycle pump
  • Instruments and valves
  • PLC controls