Frequently Asked Questions

What is Reverse Osmosis?

By definition, reverse osmosis is a pressure-driven separation process used to purify water by passing it through a semipermeable membrane, thereby separating it from other constituents. Essentially, the solvent flows in the opposite direction from natural osmosis, hence the term “reverse” osmosis.

How Much does a Water Treatment System Cost?

As you’ve likely found, estimating the cost of a water treatment system is complicated, in part due to the many factors and variables that play a role in system design. This article helps to tease out some of these factors and show how they apply broadly across a variety of industrial water treatment systems.

What are the Best Water Treatment Companies for EPC Projects?

To help you navigate a complex and crowded field, we’ve compiled a list of the best water treatment companies, along with a description of the services that they offer.

Recycle/Reduce/Reuse of Water Treatment?

Even though wastewater reduction solutions and industrial water conservation methods largely vary from industry to industry, there are some things all industrial facilities can do to ensure conserving water and reducing discharge waste is part of their short- and long-term strategies.

How do Wastewater Treatment Systems Work?

Typically used as a secondary wastewater treatment method after the initial larger contaminants have been settled and/or filtered out, biological wastewater treatment systems can be efficient and economical technologies for breaking down and removing organic contaminants from heavily organic-laden wastes, such as those produced in the food and beverage, chemical manufacturing, oil and gas, and municipal industries.