10 of the Best Boiler Feed Water Treatment Equipment Supply and Technology Companies
Here at SAMCO Technologies, we understand that proper, economical treatment of your boiler feed water is essential to the efficiency and overall success of your everyday process. Fouling, corrosion, and scaling can all decrease the service life and dependability of downstream equipment, driving up cost and disrupting project flow.
While our custom-engineered boiler feed water solutions are some of the most economical and cutting-edge in the industry, we realize we might not be the best fit for everyone and believe it’s important for our potential customers to be aware of the available options when searching for these solutions. For this reason, we’ve assembled a list of “10 of the Best Boiler Feed Water Treatment Equipment Supply and Technology Companies” and outline below who they are and what they have to offer:
1. GE Water and Process Technologies
Who they are
A subdivision of General Electric and GE Power, GE Water and Process Technologies utilizes a comprehensive set of advanced technologies to solve water scarcity, quality, and productivity challenges. They also solve water-related issues for the environment and energy and serve both industrial and municipal companies.
What they offer
GE Water and Process Technologies offers an assortment of technologies that solve common boiler feed water issues, such as corrosion, deposition, and scaling. These solutions include CorTrol OS5300, oxygen scavengers that remove dissolved oxygen after deaeration to prevent pitted corrosion in both low- and high-pressure boilers. Through the commercial group they provide membrane and ion exchange technologies as well as standard pretreatment such as clarification and ultrafiltration.
2. Aquatech
Who they are
Aquatech is a water purification technology company that focuses on desalination, water recycle/reuse, and zero liquid discharge for an assortment of industries worldwide. With 35 years in business, the company is also a good source for spare parts supplies, technical audits, and leased water treatment systems.
What they offer
With an assortment of solutions such as thermal technologies, ion exchange, and membrane filtration, Aquatech offers custom-engineered boiler feed water systems for their clients using methods such as desalination and demineralization to provide the high-quality water needed to run a boiler.

3. Lenntech
Who they are
Founded in 1993, Lenntech is an international water treatment and filtrations solution company based in the Netherlands. They provide several technologies and turnkey facilities for municipalities, water bottlers, and hotels.
What they offer
Lenntech has an assortment of solutions and technologies that help promote continuous heat exchange, reduce corrosion, and help boilers produce high-quality steam by treating the feed water to the boiler both internally and externally. Softening, evaporation, deaeration, and membrane filtration are all methods used by the company to facilitate the right makeup water chemistry for the boiler being used.
4. Nalco Company
Who they are
In 1928, Nalco was formed with the merger of two Chicago-based companies selling sodium aluminate to treat water for steam locomotives, municipalities, and boiler feed water for industrial plants. Adapting their approach and technologies over the years to respond to changing market needs, Nalco now provides water treatment solutions in the power, oil and gas, and food and beverage industries, among others.
What they offer
Helping their customers efficiently replace what is lost in boiler blowdown and evaporation, Nalco offers treatment options such as reverse osmosis, filtration, ion exchange, dealkalization, oxygen removal, and lime softening along with a full product line of specialty chemicals.
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5. Evoqua Water Technologies
Who they are
A global water treatment company that serves municipal in and industrial companies, they aim to use their treatment systems to provide quality water solutions for their customers, help them meet regulatory and environmental compliance, and increase water usage efficiency.
What they offer
Evoqua provides a variety of services for boiler feed water treatment supplies such as activated carbon, filter media, ion exchange resins, parts and expendables, and temporary emergency water systems. They regularly use technologies such as reverse osmosis, demineralization, inorganic metals removal, and chemical addition, etc., to treat boiler feed water.
6. Pall Corporation
Who they are
Pall Corporation offers their customers filtration, separation, and purification solutions for a broad spectrum of industries, including microelectronics, aerospace, fuels, petrochemical, chemical, automotive, and power generation.
The company’s headquarters are in Port Washington, New York, but they have offices and plants worldwide.
What they offer
Known for their filtration technologies, Pall Corporation offers units that reduce boiler tube failures and blowdown. With the Ultipleat High Flow filtration system, metals and other particulates are removed from the water before the water is sent to the boiler during startup. This technology has been proven to reduce hydrogen damage and deposit corrosion from the solids and metals that would otherwise build up in the system and cause plant downtime.
7. The Dow Chemical Company
Who they are
Dow is a chemical corporation that combines science and technology to provide innovations that help the company’s customers produce and conserve clean water and energy and increase productivity. Their businesses range from chemical to agrosciences and plastics. The water processing group is a world leader in ion exchange and membranes for water purification.
What they offer
Silica, hardness, metals, and organics can all wreak havoc on your boiler. Dow ion exchange resins are some of the most advanced technological solutions to removing these contaminants. The resins can selectively remove unwanted dissolved ion or anions from fluid streams by charging the resins in a specific way, generating purer steam for your boiler. Their membrane solutions are used worldwide in industrial boiler feed water treatment applications
8. newterra
Who they are
Started in the early years of the Industrial Revolution by Joseph Harrison, Jr., what is newterra today had begun in 1863 as Harrison Safety Boiler Works in Philadelphia, PA. In 1934, the company provided the first atomizing deaerator to the US Navy to help the ships steam farther, faster, and more economically. Now based in Ontario, Canada, newterra utilizes modular water treatment solutions to help companies use water more sustainably for power generation plants, institutional clients, and manufacturers who utilize steam in their production.
What they offer
With a host of available deaerators for dissolved oxygen and gasses removal (including Parallel Downflow, Counterflow, and Spray Atomizing deaerators), newterra is also behind major deaerator brands such as Cochrane, Chicago Heater and Belco Water. They also engineer deaeration equipment, vacuum deaerators, and forced-draft degasifiers.
9. Veolia Water Technologies
Who they are
Based out of the suburbs of Paris, France, Veolia Water Technologies is foremost a worldwide water treatment equipment, service, and maintenance company. With a range of solutions in water purification and sustainable water recovery, Veolia offers technological solutions for industrial and science and research companies.
What they offer
With the importance of treating boiler feed water to avoid the fouling and corrosion that occurs by using water at high temperatures, Veolia offers a range of technologies to combat these problematic issues. These technologies include reverse osmosis, demineralization, ion exchange, pretreatment, and filtration, among others. Their Hydrex™ 1000 series of additive chemicals include scale inhibitors, dispersants, oxygen scavengers, and steam line treatments.
10. Cleaver-Brooks
Who they are
Founded in 1929 by John C. Cleaver, the company was started as a small, portable boiler manufacturer. Now a complete boiler room solutions provider helping their clients optimize their boiler/burner/controls systems, the company serves clients internationally from their home base Thomasville, GA.
What they offer
Cleaver-Brooks offers a range of water softeners, filtration systems, and chemical feed systems. They also have dealkalizers available for various steam and hot water applications. Their dealkalizers can remove over 90% of bicarbonate alkalinity in boiler feed water that has already been softened, reducing carbon dioxide in the feed water and reducing condensate line corrosion.
Now that you know the boiler feed water treatment company options
Now that you know 10 of the top companies in boiler feed water treatment, doing your research about the products and services out there for your plant should be a little less tedious.
To learn more about SAMCO’s cutting-edge boiler feed water treatment technologies and services, visit our boiler feed water treatment page here or contact us to speak with an engineer about your water treatment needs.
Other SAMCO articles that relate to boiler feed water include:
- Common Boiler Feed Water Treatment Issues and How to Avoid Them
- How to Choose the Best Boiler Feed Water Treatment Technologies for Your Plant
- Do You Need a Boiler Feed Water Treatment System for Your Plant?
- Scaling vs. Corrosion: Why It Matters for Your Boiler Feed Water System
- How Much Should a Boiler Feed Water Treatment System for a Thermal Power Plant Cost?
- How Much Does a Boiler Feed Water Treatment System Cost? (Pricing, Factors, Etc.)
- What Is a Boiler Feed Water Treatment System and How Does It Work?