12 of the Best Raw Water Treatment Equipment Supply and Technology Companies
Here at SAMCO technologies, our custom-engineered, cutting-edge solutions for your raw water treatment needs are the result of helping our customers solve some of the most complex purity and separation issues globally for over 40 years. Because of our skilled engineers and overall expertise in raw water treatment, we are confident that our solutions are some of the best in the industry.
However, we also realize we might not be the best fit for everyone, and we feel that it’s important for our customers to be informed about all the options out there in order to make the best decisions possible when it comes to treating raw water for their plant and process.
For this reason, and based on our knowledge in the industry, we’ve assembled what we believe are “12 of the Best Raw Water Treatment Equipment Supply and Technology Companies” below and outline who they are and what they can offer for your raw water treatment solutions:
1. WesTech Engineering, Inc.
Who they are
WesTech Engineering is a process equipment engineering and manufacturing company in Salt Lake City, Utah, that focuses on solutions for the industrial, mineral, municipal water, and municipal wastewater industries.
The company helps design and build integrated small- and large-scale systems with technologies that can be beneficial to the raw water treatment process.
What they offer
The primary step of the raw water treatment process is to remove gross amounts of suspended colloidal materials and decayed vegetation that you’ll find in rivers and surface waters. Clarification is one of the standard processes for this, and the conventional clarifier is the mainstay product that’s used in municipal large industrial flows.
WesTech has been building clarifiers (dissolved air flotation clarifiers and thickeners, conventional clarifiers, and conventional gravity thickeners, among others) for years and they have standard designs that are dependable and generally cost-effective.
2. Veolia Water Technologies
Who they are
Veolia Water Technologies offers a range of over 350 technologies that include evaporation and crystallization, desalination, and mobile water services.
The company is based in the suburbs of Paris, France, and they have over 130 locations worldwide.
What they offer
Among their technologies, Veolia developed and patented the ACTIFLO® clarifier, a high-rate clarifier that has a distinctive advantage of a small footprint. Because it uses microsand as a settling agent, the settling is accelerated, allowing the clarifier to process a larger flow through a compact system.
3. Pall Corporation
Who they are
Pall Corporation offers their customers filtration, separation, and purification solutions for a broad spectrum of industries, including microelectronics, aerospace, fuels, petrochemical, chemical, automotive, and power generation.
The company’s headquarters are in Port Washington, New York, but they have offices and plants worldwide.
What they offer
The use of membranes for clarification on the front end of a raw water treatment plant is considered state-of-the-art technology. We’re seeing membranes applied more and more for front suspended solids removal, and Pall offers a quality Microza ultrafiltration (UF) module that is a hollow fiber membrane specifically designed for drinking water.
The advantage of using UF membranes in lieu of clarifiers is that, in addition to removing particles, they remove colloids and particles down to much lower levels than conventional clarifiers with no posttreatment required, so you can feed the water from the membranes directly to your process.
They also remove bacteria, giardia cysts, and cryptosporidium from your feed water.
4. GE Water & Process Technologies
Who they are
GE Water and Process Technologies is a subdivision of General Electric and GE Power that utilizes a comprehensive set of advanced technologies to solve water scarcity, quality, and productivity challenges. They also solve water-related issues in relation to the environment and energy and serve both industrial and municipal companies.
What they offer
GE Water has a series of innovative, integrated products that are valuable in the raw water treatment process, including UF membranes, clarifiers, conventional gravity filters, and an assortment of posttreatment technologies.
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5. The Dow Chemical Company
Who they are
Dow is a chemical corporation that combines science and technology to provide innovations that help the company’s customers produce clean water and energy, conserve energy, and increase agriculture productivity. Their businesses range from chemical to agrosciences and plastics.
What they offer
When it comes to raw water treatment, similar to Pall and GE, Dow also makes quality UF membranes that filters out particles down to 0.01 microns, including bacteria, viruses and colloids (SFP and SFD series UF). Dow also provides a broad range of technology-based products and solutions, such as ion exchange resins and reverse osmosis membranes, across several industries.
6. Tonka Water
Who they are
Providing customized water treatment since 1956, Tonka water provides several technologies to remove contaminants such as iron, arsenic, manganese, and hydrogen sulfide, among others, for various tertiary water filtration, environmental remediation, and industrial process projects in the Northeast.
What they offer
Conventional, pressurized sand filters—one-layer sand filters—can flow anywhere from 4–6 GPM per square foot and come in both vertical and horizontal designs, which can give you a much larger flow in a single vessel. Tonka Water manufactures these, in addition to gravity sand filters, membrane systems, and various pressurized filters and multimedia filtrations, all of which are helpful when treating your raw water.

7. Aqua-Aerobic Systems, Inc.
Who they are
Based in Loves Park, Illinois, Aqua-Aerobic Systems serves small- and medium-sized municipalities, in addition to large metro areas, worldwide. Treating both domestic and industrial waste streams, Aqua-Aerobic provides water management solutions in aeration and mixing, biological processes, membranes, filtration, process control, and monitoring systems. They also provide aftermarket products and services.
What they offer
When it comes to raw water treatment, if your plant is looking for very fine filtration beyond what a sand filter will produce, but not down to the level of UF, Aqua-Aerobic manufactures a disc drum–type cloth media filter that is good for this called AquaDisk® that is a good option to consider.
8. Parkson
Who they are
Parkson supplies equipment for potable water, process water, and industrial and municipal wastewater applications.
What they offer
The Lamella®, introduced by Parkson in 1971, is the original inclined plate gravity settler. Taking the settling area from horizontal to an integrated vertical horizontal settling area, the typical size of a clarifier is cut by up to 70–90%, a much smaller footprint than conventional clarifiers.
They also carry moving bed filters, a continuous backwashing filter with a very small backwash stream that is typically 1–5% of the forward flow; this eliminates the need for big backwash collection and feed tanks. Typically with this filter, it’s recommended to feed the polymer to enhance the filtering capability. Where you need a filter quality similar to a sand filter, these can be a good potential source, and they typically work well when tied in with an inclined plate clarifier.
9. Industrial Filters Company
Who they are
Industrial Filters producers a wide selections of filters, filter fabrics, and fabric rolls. They are based in Mims, Florida, and provide services to industries including wastewater, metalworking, medical, food and beverage, and chemical, among others.
What they offer
The company manufactures candle and pressure leaf precoat filters that are useful for raw water treatment and process separation.
Although precoat filters got their start in the industries chlor alkali (to filter brine) and beer making (to filter out yeast), they come in several varieties: either a candle-type filter, where you have a long candle tube within a vessel, or a leaf filter, where the leafs can be vertical or horizontal and set with a wire screen or cloth on the outside of it.
A precoat can be used to coat the screen, and they have excellent filtration properties that can filter down to 1 micron. You also have the option of a dry cake discharge (where the air blows the water out and you shake the filter debris off the cloth), or you can do a wet cake discharge (where you wash it and sluice out the precoat and filtered material).
10. Ascension Industries
Who they are
Serving clients in the metalworking, aerospace, automotive, and automation industries, among other, Ascension Industries is a leading provider of turnkey manufacturing and engineering services. They are a leading industrial filter equipment manufacturer and parts supplier based out of North Tonawanda, New York.
What they offer
Similar to Industrial Filters, they manufacture pressure leaf precoat filters and filter presses, among others, that filter down to 1 micron.
11. Carbon Activated Corp.
Who they are
A global provider of all industry related to activated carbon products, Carbon Activated Corp. handles activated carbon regeneration, testing, manufacturing, and supplies.
Founded in Los Angeles, California, in 1993, Carbon Activated Corp.’s locations include New York, Canada, Florida, Phoenix, and Europe.
What they offer
Many times carbon is used either in the clarifier or in a pressurized filter to remove organics from the water stream. Carbon can be fed as a powder into a clarifier or as a granular activated carbon where it’s put into pressure filters. Carbon Activated Corp. manufactures both granular and powder activated carbon.
12. Calgon Carbon
Who they are
Calgon Carbon has nearly 75 years in the activated carbon and reactivation industry for many liquid- and vapor-phase applications. They also offer services in ultraviolet disinfection and oxidation, ion exchange technology, and ballast water treatment, and they provide purifications systems for drinking water and wastewater, etc.
What they offer
Similar to Carbon Activated Corp., Calgon manufactures both granular and powder activated carbon. They offer carbon technologies for several industries including drinking water, food and beverage, and pharmaceuticals.
Now that you know the raw water treatment company options
Now that you know 12 of the top companies in raw water treatment, doing your research about the products and services out there for your plant should be a little less tedious.
Keep in mind that SAMCO provides a wide variety of raw water treatment technologies, as well, including a host of filtration and clarification services that include:
- Engineering
- Concept development
- Lab and pilot studies
- Detailed design and computer modeling
- Controls integration and PLC programming
To learn more about our cutting-edge raw water treatment technologies and services, visit our raw water treatment page here or contact us to speak with an engineer about your raw water treatment needs.
Some other articles about raw water treatment systems you might be interested in include:
- Do You Need a Raw Water Treatment System for Your Plant?
- How to Choose the Best Raw Water Treatment System for Your Plant
- What is a Raw Water Treatment System and How Does it Work?
- Five Common Problems with Raw Water Treatment and How to Avoid Them
- Five Common Problems with Raw Water and How You Can Treat Them
- Treated vs. Untreated Raw Water for Your Plant
- How Much Does a Raw Water Treatment System Cost? (Pricing, Factors, Etc.)